Kuwait and Ethiopia Discussion For Domestic Worker

Bassam Al-Shammari is an expert on domestic labor issues. He revealed that to address the shortage of domestic workers, discussions between Kuwait and Ethiopia will resume soon to finalize the memorandum governing the recruitment of workers from Addis Ababa. This was reported by the Al-Jarida newspaper. Al-Shammari stressed the importance of this step in opening up a market for recruiting domestic employees to meet Kuwait’s labor market demands. Once the memorandum is signed, local recruitment agencies are ready to begin recruitment contracts with their counterparts in Addis-Abeba.

Al-Shammari stressed the importance of diversifying domestic workers’ sources to create an equilibrium in the market and relieve shortages. He stressed the importance of signing agreements with Ethiopia and potential markets as soon as possible to ensure a constant supply of workers and to prevent market disruptions. Al-Shammari addressed the cybercrime issue of domestic worker services and warned against dealing with fraudulent parties who offer hourly services. He stressed the urgent need to address the shortage of domestic workers and called on the Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) to increase memorandums with exporting nations to meet the demand. Al-Shammari also urged the relevant authority to increase awareness among recruitment agencies and office owners about the new executive regulations that govern domestic workers. These regulations are designed to protect domestic workers’ rights and have been widely adopted by the recruitment community

Source Arabtimes Kuwait 

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