Honest Airport Staff Returned Cash And Gold From Passengers.

MANILA (Philippines) -A honest airport employee at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (Naia), returned $10,000 in cash and a bag of personal belongings back to the rightful owner, earning the recognition of the airport authority.

The Manila International Airport Authority has identified the employee as Victor Perez, 52. He is a porter, or pushcart retriever, who has worked at Naia for over 32 years.

Perez, according to the MIAA found the bundle of US dollars on the sidewalk on April 13 while walking along the arrival extension of the east bridge at Naia Terminal 1. He was retrieving used pushcarts.

Perez went immediately to the Lost and Found Office and handed over the lost money.

The bundle was valued at $10,000.

Based on the current exchange rate, this is equivalent to P565,735

The money was recovered by a Korean who proved to be the owner.

A CCTV recording allowed him to retrieve his money the next day.


The foreigner claimed that the money dropped out of his pockets while he was going downward

The ramp leading to the arrival area extension.

Image from Inquirer

A security guard demonstrates another act of honesty

In a separate incident, on April 14, the MIAA recognized Albert Bautista as a security guard from Lanting Security Services for returning a bag that he had found in Bay 7 of the arrival zone.

The bag contained an iPhone, a laptop and a gold chain.

The items were immediately handed over to Terminal 3 Lost and Found.

The owner claimed it on Tuesday morning.

“Hats Off to Messrs. Victor Perez & Albert Bautista For Their Honesty. Both

Everyone in NAIA should emulate this culture. Honesty should be encouraged.

MIAA General Director Eric Ines said in a press release that we are surrounded by endless temptations.

The two Naia employees will now receive commendations

During MIAA’s Flag Ceremony in May.

Source Inquirer 

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